Reading Group: Wonder / R. J.: Palacio

Kdy: úterý 8. listopadu / 16:30
Kde: Malý sál / 6. patro

Připojte se ke čtenářské skupině v naší knihovně a objevte různorodost současné anglicky psané literatury. Setkání skupiny probíhají v angličtině a konají se jednou za dva měsíce. Knihu si můžete vyzvednout v Zahraničních knihovnách ve 2. patře. K dispozici je omezený počet výtisků. Pro rezervaci knih pište na 

Come and join our Reading Group to discover the diversity of contemporary English written literature. The meetings are held once in two months and the communication language is English.
You can borrow the book at the Foreign Libraries. There is a limited number of copies.
To reserve the book please write to:

Poslední aktualizace: 30.11.2022, 15:32


Readng Groop

I would like to greet the participants of today's Reading Group as well as librarians thanks to whom RG exists. I am very grateful for this opportunity, to meet very nice people here, to do something to improve my English and to read so many great books.
The last book Wonder is one of those wonderful books.
I am very sorry I can't come today, but I am looking forward for the next time.
I wish the librarians all the best and may they always have a happy selection.
With regards
Ludmila Gotfrýdová