Thematic division of literature

Books and periodicals

The book collection contains more than 2000 items. You can find them in the vufind catalogue.

Thematic division of literature

001 Science
02 Librarianship
03 Reference
050/070 Periodicals, Press
2 Religion
3 Social Sciences
316(73) American Society and Cultural Diversity
32(73) American Political Science and Government
32 Political Science
32-051(73) American Presidency
33 Business Information
34(73) American Law
37 Education
502/504 Nature, Environment
6 Applied Sciences, Medicine, Technology
71/72 City Planning, Architecture
73/77 Art
78/79 Performing Arts
796 Sports
81/82 Literature, Linguistics, English
91 Geography, Traveling
929 Biography
93/94 History, Historiography
94(437)History of the Czech Republic and Slovakia / Czech and Slovak expatriates in the USA
94(73) American History
F Fiction, The Library of America
FGComics, Graphic Novels
XTTOEFL exam materials
STStandartized tests materials

Poslední aktualizace: 09.04.2024, 15:15