The book collection contains more than 2000 items. You can find them in the vufind catalogue.
001 | Science |
02 | Librarianship |
03 | Reference |
050/070 | Periodicals, Press |
2 | Religion |
3 | Social Sciences |
316(73) | American Society and Cultural Diversity |
32(73) | American Political Science and Government |
32 | Political Science |
32-051(73) | American Presidency |
33 | Business Information |
34(73) | American Law |
37 | Education |
502/504 | Nature, Environment |
6 | Applied Sciences, Medicine, Technology |
71/72 | City Planning, Architecture |
73/77 | Art |
78/79 | Performing Arts |
796 | Sports |
81/82 | Literature, Linguistics, English |
91 | Geography, Traveling |
929 | Biography |
93/94 | History, Historiography |
94(437) | History of the Czech Republic and Slovakia / Czech and Slovak expatriates in the USA |
94(73) | American History |
F | Fiction, The Library of America |
FG | Comics, Graphic Novels |
XT | TOEFL exam materials |
ST | Standartized tests materials |
Poslední aktualizace: 09.04.2024, 15:15